Hello and welcome to the last part of this series of Witch's Bile. This serves as an epilogue really, so if you haven't read any of the others please go here to give them a look. Please enjoy.
It was you. Of course it was you. How could I not have seen
it was you?
Jo wasn’t the punishment, was she? The monster following her
was. An empty vessel with one single purpose but not completely brainless?
Well, technically brainless I suppose. He’d been scooped clean at some point
before he’d developed his obsession with poor Jo. Anyway, that’s some serious
fucking magic and would require someone very bloody-minded to arrange. Well
done, Mum. You made life difficult for me for a little bit, and made life
miserable for Jo for nearly a year. Impressive, even by your standards of
colossal bitchiness.
I suppose this might have been a test, rather than a
punishment. Maybe you were seeing if I was capable of dealing with it, rather
than just pissing me off for the hell of it. Maybe you wanted to see if I could
teach somebody something. Maybe Jo’s more important than you let on. But that
thought makes me uneasy because it would imply that you were preparing me for
something. And I’d hate to think what that would be.
Because I know that something’s going on. Even out here in
the fucking sticks I can tell that something is stirring, which makes me more
determined than ever to disappear again. I told the Sheriff what we did the
monster you sent us. Well, I kept most of the magic out of it. I just told him
that we burned it up and that when the fire goes out it’s very important that
they salt the bloody earth. I don’t know if makes any difference, the old
salting the earth trick, but as a symbolic gesture it’s pretty cathartic.
Sheriff Larch nodded, stroked that beard of his and told me he would very much
appreciate it we never darkened his doorway again. Those were his words; I
assume he meant “stay outta town.”
I told Jo that she could either go back to Paris or stick
with me for a bit. I know. I surprised myself. I don’t know how much longer I’d
want her around for but I feel like somebody owes her something and I can’t
very well blame her for being a bit pissed off with you. Yes, I told her my
theory. She’s fuming. If we hadn’t already set fire to the house I’d have been
So, this is my final tape, at least until you find me again.
I’m off to show Jo a bit of America before something else decides to murder
every man between it and her. Obviously I’m not going to tell you where we’re
going but I want you to know that we’re both fine and we both hate you. Take
care, Émilie. And please feel free to leave me alone.
Your hateful daughter,
Eliza Belmont.
So that's that for Eliza and Jo. I hope you enjoyed this series. They might be back at some point but not for a long while. I enjoyed writing them but I'm not really sure how successful they were. I hope you had fun reading them anyway. Thank you very much for doing so.
The next post will be a blog update! Excitement!
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